Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The Neighbourhood Vintage is a ‘collective’; what does that mean?

A: The Neighbourhood Vintage is a ‘vintage clothing collective’ meaning that several vintage vendors sell under one roof. All vendor items are mixed within the shop and organized according to item type, to create a straightforward shopping experience for our customer. For example, all denim pants from all vendors are merchandised together and organized by size to make your vintage denim shopping easy! All items are tagged with each vendor’s branded tag, letting you know whose piece you’re checking out.


Q: Do you offer consignment services?

A: No, we do not.


Q: Do you buy vintage?

A: Yes, we will often purchase vintage clothing directly from folks. If you have some vintage clothing you’re keen to sell, get in touch via email to make an appointment to come into the shop with your items.


Q: Do you accept donations?

A: Sure! If you are looking to donate vintage clothing and want to be sure it will go to homes where your pieces are truly appreciated, you are welcome to drop your donations by the shop any day during open hours. Any donated items that we do not sell in-store will be donated to local charity shops whose dollars and efforts remain in our local community.


Q: Do you have clothing for men?

A: Yes! We do not typically separate items by gender, or label them for a specific gender. We prefer to leave that open-ended and up to the customer, as we are not here to tell anyone what they can and cannot wear. As we say, ‘if it fits, and you love it, it’s for you!’ We do aim to offer a balanced mix of clothing items that can appeal to all genders, meaning we stock plenty of skirts and dresses, but also a healthy range of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and button-ups.


Q: Do you carry larger sizes?

A: Yes! We specifically make it a point to look for and source clothing in larger sizes (L, XL, XXL) where possible. Stocking strictly vintage does limit our search at times, but it is important to us that folks in all bodies feel they can come into the shop to find something to try on. Expanding the top end of our size range is something we aim to continue to improve on.


Q: Where do you get your stuff?!

A: We get asked in-store all the time, and the annoying answer unfortunately is: EVERYWHERE! Our vendors are constantly hunting and searching anywhere and everywhere for great vintage pieces. Gems may be sourced from estate sales, thrift stores, personal collections, yard sales, textile wholesalers, auctions, personal buys, and so many more! We do all the endless sourcing and sifting to bring you the best.


 Q: Are the clothes cleaned & in good condition?

A: Yes! All pieces sold in-store and online have been laundered and checked thoroughly for condition. Stains are treated and any necessary repairs are made. Any flaws that remain are noted in the item listing or marked ‘As is’ on in-store tags to denote condition. Some flaws come with age and wear and can be expected with vintage garments. This may include minor holes, mild stains or discolouration, fading, etc.


 Q: How is pricing set for vintage clothing?

A: Pricing for vintage clothing is tricky. Older, rarer items typically have a higher price tag. Other factors that affect the price of a vintage clothing piece include brand, condition, fabric content, item type, age, trendiness (style), and size. Further, a vendor factors in their time, expertise, labour, and purchase costs for items when determining pricing. Things are worth what people will pay, and in vintage, as in any other retail sector, there are trends, so if a particular style or item in vintage clothing is popular, its value and therefore price, naturally increases with market demand.